Is this Israel’s last war in Gaza? Ramzy Baroud

27 May

2 Responses to “Is this Israel’s last war in Gaza? Ramzy Baroud”

  1. Pat O'Dea May 29, 2024 at 7:41 pm #

    A occupying settler power, faced with an insurgent native population that will not stop resisting, has only two choices, either negotiate terms with the insurgent population or resort to genocide.

    The apartheid rulers of South Africa chose negotiation.
    The apartheid rulers of Israel have chosen genocide.

    Ramzy Baroud :@0:06 minutes:

    “…..everything it has done in the Gaza Strip, including the genocide itself, did not allow it [Israel] to achieve any of its military objectives. It really seemed to be a war with no strategy, with with no political, goals and with no actual military achievements”

    Whereas I agree with Ramzy Baroud about everything, in this case he is overlooking the obvious. The genocide in Gaza is not a means to some undefined military or political objective, as Ramzy Baroud seems to be suggesting. Genocide is Israel’s objective.
    And they are succeeding.
    No need to look for some missing political or strategic goals.
    The genocide and ethnic cleansing of Gaza is Israel’s goal, and they will not stop until they achieve it, or they are stopped.
    Israel says its goal is to exterminate Hamas.
    The majority of Israelis know, almost instinctively, that exterminating Hamas cannot be done without exterminating the Palestinian people. Polls taken in Israel show overwhelming support for the continuation of Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza to its ultimate final solution to the ‘Palestinian problem’.

    Noted commentators on Palestine and Israel Owen Jones and Abby Martin have described the majority of the Israeli population as being gripped by a “genocidal mania”.

    Polls taken of Palestinians in the West Bank show a majority of Palestinians in the West Bank support Hamas.

    I don’t know what current levels of support for Hamas polls in Gaza would show, but when I was in Gaza in 2010 I witnessed close links between the Hamas leadership and their people.

    Israel is not seeking a political solution. There can be no mistaking that Israel is waging a war of extermination.

    The extermination (or expulsion) of the entire population of Gaza is what Netanyahu means when he says that his goal is the extermination of Hamas

  2. Pat O'Dea May 31, 2024 at 10:40 am #

     “It really seemed to be a war with no strategy, with with no political, goals, with no political, goals and with no actual military achievements”

    Netanyahu’s final goal comes into focus

    Gaza has been sealed off from the outside world.

    Every single entry and exit point into Gaza is now controlled by the Israeli military.

    The distribution of any of the aid that does get into Gaza is at the discretion of the IDF.

    All exit and entry of Drs. Journalists and other international witnesses and aid workers including UN personal has been completely stopped by Israel.

    International volunteer Drs. and other foreign aid workers presently in Gaza are now trapped and not able to leave.

    Drs. and other international health workers and aid workers who want to give relief for those international volunteers trapped in Gaza have been refused entry.

    Sick and wounded Palestinians including children in need of treatment in Egypt have also been prevented from leaving.

    Often described as the world’s biggest open air prison, Gaza has been transformed into history’s largest open air concentration camp.

    Concentration Camp

    Encyclopedia Britannica

    Concentration camp, internment centre for political prisoners and members of national or minority groups who are confined for reasons of state security, exploitation, or punishment, usually by executive decree or military order. Persons are placed in such camps often on the basis of identification with a particular ethnic or political group rather than as individuals and without benefit either of indictment or fair trial. Concentration camps are to be distinguished from prisons interning persons lawfully convicted of civil crimes and from prisoner-of-war camps in which captured military personnel are held under the laws of war. They are also to be distinguished from refugee camps or detention and relocation centres for the temporary accommodation of large numbers of displaced persons…..

    Benjamin Netanyahu has just announced that Israel’s campaign of industrial scale extermination of the imprisoned population of Gaza will be continued to the end of the year. or until it is completed.

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