Gaza Interview #10: Dr Issam Adwan, Professor of Modern History, Open Al-Quds University, and Director of Refugee Affairs department

14 Dec


Dr Issam Adwan, Professor of Modern History, Open Al-Quds University, and Director of Refugee Affairs department

Dr Issam Adwan, Professor of Modern History, Open Al-Quds University, and Director of Refugee Affairs department

How are the historic changes in the Middle East impacting on the Israeli siege and the prospects for free Palestine?

As a specialist in history, regarding the collapse of Israel, my view is that every civilisation has its end point. The peak times precede the collapse. Israel has been declining since its peak during the 1967 wars. The current regional changes, with the Arab Spring, the growing resistance and international awareness of Palestinian rights, are accelerating the eventual collapse of Israel.

The Arab Spring, especially in Egypt, gives hope for the Palestinians that change will soon come. Egypt was forced into the Camp David treaty, but since the Arab Spring there is a popular desire to end this treaty and improve the situation for the Palestinians.

Geography is unbeatable. The Arab countries are part of the geography of the area. Israel is like a stranger. Things are going to return to the way it used to be, with Israel out, and only the Arab countries remaining.  The powerful countries and the international community should not have bet on Israel, because Israel will collapse one day. They should build up relationships with the Palestinians, because they will always remain here, not Israel.

The international community should help end the siege because it is illegal, and non-humanitarian. We thank all those who attempt to break the siege, via land, air or sea, and we encourage cooperation and unity to end the siege with ‘all hands together’.