What of the children who survive Israel’s siege & wars on Gaza?

17 Jun

As Israeli bombs continue to rain down, Gaza’s overwhelmed medical services struggle to cope. The under-resourced ambulance network is at the frontline in the densely populated & besieged enclave ravaged by recurring Israeli bombardments and the Covid pandemic. Nearly half the population of 2 million Palestinians in Gaza are children.

Kia Ora Gaza is raising funds to sponsor one ambulance (costing $NZ62,500) as part of an international humanitarian convoy of 20 fully-equipped, modern ambulances due to travel from Cairo to Gaza soon.

Please support our urgent appeal for this important practical solidarity mission, and share this post.


Please donate now with a direct payment to our bank account: Kia Ora Gaza Trust, 03-0211-0447718-000, Westpac Bank. Afterwards, email office@kiaoragaza.net with your deposit details so we can send you an e-receipt.

OR write a cheque for ‘Kia Ora Gaza’ and post to: Kia Ora Gaza Trust, P.O. Box 86022, Mangere East, Auckland 2158. (Cheques must be received by 24 June)

Follow kiaoragaza.net for updates and see this previous post for more information: https://kiaoragaza.wordpress.com/2021/06/10/ambulances-to-gaza-appeal-please-donate-now/